My idea for the Skyborn series took more than three years to evolve and was and based on more than 32 years of fly casting, instruction and fly fishing experience. Finding the perfect combination of carbon fibers to build equally perfect blanks takes a lot of time and a lot of prototypes. Unfortunately, there is no short cut to find the perfect action in a blank.

When designing Skyborn, salmologic’s first high-end rod series, I worked painstakingly and diligently in order to make them as good as they could possibly be – using the very best materials that are available for fly rods today.
Every single rod in the series has a designated purpose. In other words, it has been designed for specific types of fishing, casting, line weights and fly sizes. Every single rod is created to help you make the best of your precious time on the water and to improve your skills as a fly caster and, more importantly, as a fly fisher.

My ultimate goal for this series of fly rods was to create a divine merger between physics, technology and practical functionality. I strongly believe that I have succeeded in this endeavor and, knowing the intricacies of how these rods are designed, I am convinced that they will be responsive to anglers of all levels.
I have done my utmost to create tapers and actions that will match specific line weights. With the ultimate fusion of rod action and line weight, you will cast better, fish better and thus increase the quality of your fishing.
In 2001, I was the first person to start printing the recommended line weights on the rods that I designed. I have continued this practice, and even improved it, ever since. I did this because I found that the AFTM system was outdated. I still feel that way today. Furthermore, based on decades of consumer and industry feedback, it is clear that the AFTM system only leads to confusion.

As a result, there will never be an AFTM number on the rods that salmologic designs – only the recommended line weight. You can rely on the fact that the recommendations printed on our rods are extremely precise. Take my word for it. A genuine and authentic rod designer ought to know exactly which line weight his rods load best with. It only makes sense to me to pass this information on to the consumer.
My true aim is to make you smile every time you grab your Skyborn fly rod – knowing that this rod has taken your fishing to a new level.
Tight lines,
Henrik Mortensen